Friday, January 31, 2020
Why does Britain want Turkey in the EU Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Why does Britain want Turkey in the EU - Essay Example The acceptance of Turkey as a member state of EU is a difficult decision mostly because the risk involved is high. More specifically, the country has proved the last years that significant efforts are made towards the improvement of the social and political condition both in the internal and the external environment; however, the standards set by the EU have not been met still. In order to develop its economy in accordance with the Western standards, Turkey introduced a privatisation programme which ‘has included the sale of a number of key state assets. As for UK, the possibly entrance of Turkey in EU could have significant benefits especially in the commercial sector. Possibly gains in political and military sectors could be also exist but only if the intervention of military in the country’s politics is limited. The final decision belongs to European leaders who will formulate their decision in accordance with the completion of the terms set to Turkey regarding its entrance in the EU. In case that Turkey will not follow the guidelines of EU (as presented also through the paper of the Commission of the European Communities published in 2006, section 2 above) then its entrance in EU is very likely to be postponed again in the next enlargement. For reason Turkish investment in the UK is also growing,the support of UK towards the success of bid of Turkey for the membership should be expected to continue for quite a long.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Isolation in Bartleby :: essays research papers
Roles of the Sexes The submissive role of the female in a marriage or relationship is a common problem in many societies, including our own American society. This role has become so common that in fact it is now expected of the female. This male dominance goes as far back as the human race, to the beginning of relationships and marriage between the female and the male. Then, the physical prowess of the male led to his dominance in all situations and thus formed these roles. Even presently, with all our advances in equal rights and women’s’ advances in the work fields, this role of submission and passivity is still present among our society. Why do women accept this role? Why hasn’t it banished with the right to vote and her expansion into the male-dominated workplace? These roles are inbred into our society. The men are raised to lead and take charge. Women, on the other hand, are taught that their place is to keep peace, and in most scenarios that means conform ing. There are many reasons women accept or allow this role. For many women, they find safety in allowing the male to dominate the relationship. The submissive role is familiar or so expected that the women fear changing the situation. Many authors illustrate this role of the sexes and portray some reasons and situations that are common in our society, such as Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, in her story â€Å"The Hand†, and James Joyce, in â€Å"Eveline†. These two authors both, even though each describes a woman in a very different, yet remarkably similar, situation, discuss one of the major reasons women succumb to males. Colette was a significant feminist in the early 1900’s when the women’s right movement was in full swing. She fought for equal opportunities for women and proved it was possible when she was the first woman to be admitted to the Goncourt Academy. As a novelist, she used her writing to illustrate the assumed roles society has developed. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature remarks, â€Å"Her professional life and three marriages helped to shape her keen insights into modern love and women’s lives.†(Compact Bedford, 196). Colette understood the expected submission role because she had lived the role of the wife several times. Also, as one of the few women in the workplace, she was subjected to even more male supremacy. She could write about the reasons why women comply because she understood and had been a victim herself.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Network Based Intrusion Prevention System (Nips)
Network Based Intrusion Prevention System (NIPS) Definition: An intrusion prevention system sit in-line on the network and monitors the traffic, and when a suspicious event occurs it takes action based on certain prescribed rules. An IPS is an active and real time device, unlike an Intrusion detection system which is not inline and they are passive devices. Intrusion prevention systems are considered to be the evolution of intrusion detection system. Alternately, an Intrusion prevention system is usually a hardware device that is connected to the network.It function is to monitor the network for nay unwanted behavior and to prevent such behavior. A Network based Intrusion prevention system (NIPS) is used to monitor the network as well as protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of a network. Its main functions include protecting the network from Threats such as Denial OF Service and unauthorized usage. Explanation: Network based intrusion Prevention system monitors the network for malicious activity or suspicious traffic by analyzing the protocol activity. NIPS once installed in a network it is used to create Physical security zones.This in essence makes the network intelligent and it and quickly discerns good traffic from bad traffic. In other words the NIPS becomes like a prison for hostile traffic such as Trojans, worms viruses and polymorphic threats. NIPS are manufactured using high speed Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICS) and network processors. A Network processor is different when compared to a micro processor. Network processors are used for high speed network traffic, since they are designed to execute tens of thousands of instructions and comparisons in parallel unlike a microprocessor which executes an instruction at a time.NIPS are considered to be extensions of the present Firewall technologies. Firewalls inspect only the first four layers of the OSI model of any packet of information flow. However, NIPS inspects all s even layers of the OSI model making it extremely difficult to hide anything in the last four layers of a packet. Majority of the network based Intrusion prevention Systems utilize one of the three detection methods they are as follows: †¢Signature based detection: Signatures are attack patterns which are predetermined and also preconfigured.This kind of detection method monitors the network traffic and compares with the preconfigured signatures so as to find a match. On successfully locating a match the NIPS take the next appropriate action. This type of detection fails to identify zero day error threats. However, it has proved to be very good against single packet attacks. †¢Anomaly based detection: This method of detection creates a baseline on average network conditions. Once a baseline has been created, the system intermittently samples network traffic on the basis of statistical analyses and compares the sample to the created baseline.If the activity is found to be ou tside the baseline parameters, the NIPS takes the necessary action. †¢Protocol State Analysis Detection: This type of detection method identifies deviations of protocol states by comparing observed events with predefined profiles. Comparison OF NIPS and HIPS: Network Based intrusion prevention System: †¢Monitors and analyzes all the network activities. †¢Easier to setup, understand and implement. †¢It proves to be better in detecting and preventing attacks or suspicious activities from the outside. †¢Less expensive. Near real-time response. Host based intrusion Prevention System: †¢Narrow in scope, watches only certain host activities. †¢Much more complex setup and understanding when compared to NIPS. †¢Better in detecting and preventing attacks from the inside. †¢More expensive than NIPS. Comparison OF NIPS and NIDS: Network Based Intrusion Prevention System: †¢Acts as a network gateway. †¢Stops and checks suspicious packets. à ¢â‚¬ ¢Prevents successful intrusions. †¢False positives are very bad. Network Based Intrusion Detection System: †¢Unlike NIPS, it only observes network traffic. NIDS logs suspicious activities and generates alerts. †¢Cannot stop an intruder, unlike NIPS. †¢False positives are not as big an issue when compared to network based intrusion prevention system. Summary: A Network based intrusion prevention system must meet the very basics necessities of networking. They are as follows: †¢Low latency: Less than 3ms, regardless of frame size, traffic mix, line rate or attack filter count. †¢Large session counts: Around 50,000 to 1,00,000 simultaneous sessions. †¢Multi-Gigabit Speeds: To support backbone traffic and protect against internal attack. High availability: Must automatically become a transparent switch should any internal element collapse. †¢Precision: Should neither block nor drop good traffic. Sources: http://www. cisco. com/web/about/cisco itatwork/security/csirt_network-based_intrusion_prevention_system. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Intrusion_prevention_system http://www. foursquareinnovations. co. uk/software_development_and_ebusiness_articles/intrusion_prevention_systems_5. html http://www. infosecwriters. com/text_resources/pdf/JCooper_NIPS. pdf
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Music Is The Most Influential Real Life Application Of...
Music is an ancient and universal practice regarded as a form of expression and emotional communication (Levitin Tirovolas, 2009). It is therefore assumed a degree of musicianship is biologically guaranteed in humans; we are likely to either actively participate in the production of music or passively listen to it (Wilson, 1987). Music psychology aims to explain musical behaviour through the understanding of various cognitive processes including perception, performance and memory (Tan, Pfordresher Harrà ©, 2010). The increasing fascination with the relatively new branch of science has generated the question as to whether studying music psychology is useful. It is still very early in terms of its testing and impact to make broad statements, however, it does appear to provide therapeutic support for patients with various disorders (Wan, Rà ¼ber, Hohmann Schlaug, 2010) and has had a considerable impact on musical memory (Ueda, Suzukamo, Sato Izumi, 2013). Music therapy is arguably the most prominent real-life application of music psychology. Through the use of music, the expressive therapy aims to improve the quality of life in a variety of clients by stabilising moods, boosting confidence and improving self-expression (Choi, Lee Lim, 2008). Music therapy can take two forms: active and receptive. Active therapy refers to the creative and expressive situation in which patients participate in making music. In contrast, receptive therapy refers to a more peaceful settingShow MoreRelatedReporting Studying senior social science subjects was the most influential factor which provided a1600 Words  | 7 PagesReporting Studying senior social science subjects was the most influential factor which provided a wonderful opportunity to discover my abilities and develop skills and confidence in critical thinking and systematic research processes. 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