Monday, December 30, 2019
Emotional Intelligence And Effective Leadership - 768 Words
Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership Candice Burnett Professor Judy Smith Mannings BUS520: Leadership and Organizational Behavior 10/31/2015 Abstract Emotions are a quality that each individual possess. Organizations place leaders in place that have an understanding on how to maintain emotions while in upper positions. Leadership is responsible for the emotional standard that is set throughout the organization. Growth and development leads to the success of handling proper emotional practices in the organization. Organizations large and small are facing situations that are coming from an area called emotional intelligence. The leadership in the organization has to have ability and understanding to handle issues that may†¦show more content†¦Leadership is able to give clear instructions to the fellow coworkers. They are also able to seen as productive and positive leaders which are respected. Organizations that are socially aware have an impact as well. Leaders know what is going on within their organization they are communicating and motivating their team. They are not conceited but are humble and helpful. The previous tw o needs that are used accurately lead to positive conflict resolving. For effective leadership, emotional intelligence has to practiced and used properly. In some circumstances, leadership may not be practicing noble emotional intelligence. These organizations are subject to some harsh consequences. One of the consequences is that a business may have high turnover rate. The leadership is not successful in positive conflict resolution or social awareness. This could cost the organization and the very name of the company. Lawsuits are another form of consequences. The organization could do or say something and the person may feel disrespected or feel the leadership is unethical. An employee can experience emotions to specific reactions to particular events, comprising several components, such as an experiential feeling, cognitions and physiological reactions, which may have behavioral implications (Department of Psychosocial Science, 2012). Leadership has to alert and aware of the need of their self-awareness. This plays a vital role in the
Sunday, December 22, 2019
mistaken identities and misunderstanding within twelfth night
‘Comedy relies on familiar sources of misunderstanding’. To what extent are mistaken identities and misunderstanding central to the comedy of ‘Twelfth Night’? Much of the Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ focuses on misconceptions and the way disguises cause the root of misunderstandings in which mistaken identities arise, a fortuitous device for complicating action. Critic John Hollander described the play to be a ‘ritualized Twelfth Night festivity in itself’ . The comedic aspect is all due to the privileged position that the audience hold, consuming more understanding of the true situation than the characters themselves. It also manages to expose the habits and pretences people in the modern world take for granted, thus linking to†¦show more content†¦Cesario soliloquizes and rhetorically questions ‘I left no ring with her; what means this lady?’. By inserting a caesura the effect of it portrays and emphasises ‘his’ change in tone, juxtaposing with the image portrayed of a romantic relationship, the passage also being formed of a natural and conversational style. Notably, the gift of the ring shows similarity to the commemoration of the coming of the Three Magi bearing gifts. Epiphany, a Christian feast held on Jan 6th, blessed the revelation of God the Son as a human being . Significantly, gender identity and deceptions cause the romantic complications that are presented. There is a plot parallel between Shakespeare’s play and the Italian ‘Gl’Ingannati’, dated 1531, as the main theme for both is the mistaken identity largely prevalent. Folly and bawdy humour are generated from the sub characters. With Sebastian introduced, the issues of mistaken identity end culminating in sudden marriage. Similarly, Fabrizio returns and everything is rushed in his infatuated based relationship and engagement with Isabella. Through the visual human pun of twins used by Shakespeare in both ‘Twelfth Night’ and ‘Menaechmi’, alongside the Italian ‘Gl’Ingannati’, the siblings manage to tap into an innately human fascination. Shakespeare incorporates a feminine twist to the action presented from Act 3 Scene 1, later generating Helmuth Plessner’s belief that comedy comes from desensitization of a character. ThisShow MoreRelatedThe Limitations Of Frye s Green World 1729 Words  | 7 PagesWhat are the limitations of Frye’s ‘Green World’ model as applied to ‘Twelfth Night’ by William Shakespeare? Twelfth Night was thought to be written in 1600-1. The play – known for adhering to a genre of romantic comedy by utilising pathos combined with humour – is listed under comedies in the First Folio of 1623 with another of Shakespeare’s works As You Like It. Twelfth Night adheres to Frye’s theory to some extent. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
Physical Exercise Effect on Adolescents Free Essays
Physical exercises is very important to the body of a normal human being as they have several benefits mainly for the aged people. Some researchers have examined how the human intelligence is affected by physical exercise. In the The executive function in human has been facilitated by the physical exercise. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Exercise Effect on Adolescents or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although some exercises are very simple they are very important to our body because they can enhance our mental functions and development. Very many years ago during the time of the ancient Greeks there was a belief that the intelligent ability is highly affected by the physical exercise that a person takes. Evaluation of the relationship between the children intelligence and physical exercise has not been yet done (Kirkendall, 1986). From some researches that where done very recently, it was discovered that fitness is in terms of academic intelligence or achievements. In most cases the students who get very good grades in their exams are associated positively with physical exercises. According to the California department of education the kids who perform better in they academically are physically fit. Having daily physical exercises is very important will help a student to increase her reading skills, in mathematics subject and also in the science subjects. The time lost during the physical exercises doesn’t affect the performance of a student, but instead it helps boost their grade According to a meta-analysis that was done on 16 studies by the use of true experimental designs, there is a very great relationship between physical activity and the academic achievement of a student along a list of some measurements which include the intelligent quotient, the academic achievements memory and mathematics tests. The results after this study showed that all these categories are affected positively by physical activities except memory According to the finding, fitness may have a relationship with cognitive function. Fitness cannot provide any understanding of the mechanism by which the brain can be affected by aerobic fitness in kids. Participation in the physical activity by the children may be affected some factors like socioeconomic status and this make it very difficult to the influence of fitness. The importance of the research that was done recently was to determine and know more about hoe the brain function of the child is related to high or low fitness of children. As a person ages their mental acclivity is affected by physical exercises. Some experiments where done on animals and human. From the results out of the experiments, it was found that the number of exercises that a person does in several weeks’ changes the way the brain functions and this triggers cognition and behavior. As one is doing the physical exercises, there are some biological responses in both muscles and organs of a person and this changes the structure and the way the brain functions (Dishman et al. 2006). If physical exercise had the same impact on children like in the adults, their mental activity in education would be improved. People must be engaged in both physical and activities and aerobic fitness. This is because they are related to the p3 and the behavioral performance in adults. The adults who are always in physical and aerobic exercises have very great amplitude of the p3 and it is always have very fast latency. According to this finding, one can understand that the aerobic exercise may influence neuroelectric concomitants of attentiveness allocation of the working memory and the processing speed of a human being. In the highly fit people you can observe very fast and more accurate behaviors. According tot the results from the findings, the process which is involved in behavioral response in the human body has a great relationship with the aerobic exercise. When we compare the performance of the stimulus tasks between children and young adults, we are able to note a very big difference. The children have a lower performance of stimulus compared to that of the young adults. This is as a result of very complex as they include the maturation of the course of action concerned in operational memory and inhibitory function and the development of some regions in the brains. Research has been done on the P3 ad has resulted to the improvement of the brain and consequent cognitive processes in the children. There is very long p3 latency in preadolescent children Compared to the adults and this shows a very low speed in cognitive processing. The findings regarding the p3 are not very clear although the children indicate very high results or n defense in amplitude when compared to that of the adults. Cognition is a term that is used to describe several processes in the human brain which include working planning response and scheduling. After the analysis of the researches done, it is revealed that aerobic performance has an effect on the cognitive performance. The conclusion was that the level of fitness determines the volatility of ones brain and the link is very strong. Improved cognition in children is greatly related to the physical activity that they take. It doesn’t matter the type of exercise they take but the fact is that all of them affect the mental activity. The young children and young elementary are greatly affected by the physical activity that they always take. In order to increase your intelligence you can take very many physical activities but increasing your brain power will can for shifts in the way you live and think. When you take very regular physical exercises, you can be sure of getting increase of 10-15 of IQ points. This is very simply and it can easily fit in your daily activities and program. How to cite Physical Exercise Effect on Adolescents, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Holocaust Memorial Essay Example For Students
Holocaust Memorial Essay Located close to lively South Beach is one of the most haunting pieces of art I have ever seen. The deeply moving Holocaust Memorial in Miami is an art installation that combines the senses of sight, sound and a vivid array of emotions. The structure itself is a walled circle within a semicircle. Within the circle resides the main body of the work, a 42-foot bronze sculpted arm and hand reaching up to God. The wall surrounding the inner circle stands about 10 feet tall. The circle is connected to the outer semicircle by a long corridor. You must walk through the outer area to reach the corridor that leads to the arm. Along the outer semicircle are various other sections of the exhibit, including life-sized bronze sculptures of the Holocausts victims and a long stretch of etched shiny black granite blocks. The etched granite along the outer semicircle contains two things. First a multi paneled history of the Holocaust including such things as European maps denoting number of lives vanquished per region and stories of struggling victims, such as the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in Poland. The other blocks of granite contain thousands of names of victims as submitted by their loved ones. The enclosed corridor leading from the outer part of the exhibit to the main sculpture within the circle shrinks as you walk through it. The hallway is filled with the music of children singing in Hebrew. At the far end of the hallway, there is a sculpture of a life-sized little girl reaching out to you, in agony, for help. You will have to walk right past her to enter the main area of the work. Within this circular area paved in pink stone, are the life-sized bronze sculptures of dozens of human beings. Some on the ground near death, some walking hand in hand, all emaciated and in anguish as their detailed bodies and expressions show. Other victims are actually climbing the 42-foot reaching hand. This is something you would not notice from the outside of the exhibit. Walking around these tortured human skeleton sculptures, you get a sense of being warped back in time and experiencing the Holocaust victims sadness and anger. You almost feel as if you are one with them. The only way to exit the work is through the same corridor you came in. If nothing else, the walk down this hallway gives you a moment to compose yourself and begin reflecting on the multitude of emotions that will most probably have gripped you.
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