Wednesday, October 30, 2019
What type of creative person are you IN other worlds, How are you Essay
What type of creative person are you IN other worlds, How are you creative How does your creativity benefit you - Essay Example In terms of creativity, I am a person who pays attention to detail. In any situation, paying attention to the small things that any ordinary person would overlook enables me to always come up with creative solutions. In terms of artistic ability, I have done some poems and drawings which showcase my creativity. However, I can assertively state that creativity is not like talent; it is not naturally acquired. In contrast, it is an art which one has to learn to nurture. Once one gains the creative aspect, it becomes part of own lifestyle. My creativity benefits me in many ways. First, life presents different challenges that would require creative decisions to overcome. In such instances, I have always found solution to most of my problems through creativity. For instance, I was not born in a well of family. Consequently, I did not have enough pocket money as my classmates in high school. However, I made up for the money I did have by selling some paintings at a fee whenever there was an opportunity to do so. Besides, school work always demands creativity. Most of the questions asked during exams in subjects like mathematics or social sciences require engagement of some creative thoughts. In such cases, applying the knowledge gained in class is usually accompanied with some creativity. It is in such instances that I have come to appreciate creativity. In fact, in studies not requiring theoretical knowledge as a background, I have always excelled. The most significant aspect of creativity that has benefited me most is in my social life. Being a foreign student, it is a little bit different to get integrate with every student. However, as a creative being, I find myself easy while interacting with other students. During my first days in school, communication was not so easy given the speech impediment that I had. However, this did not bar me from communicating with my colleagues as I always came up with creative means of talking to them.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Introduction to Information Systems Essay Example for Free
Introduction to Information Systems Essay Abstract For my final paper I will Identify three vital tools of knowledge management and knowledge management systems, social networking systems, (CRM) customer relationship management, and (31) business intelligence. I wlll explain how an organization can utilize knowledge management resources to assist the company in running a successful business. will also explore knowledge management as we know it today. Knowledge Management Introduction Knowledge management is crucially important to any organization for resources which aids a company In providing its staff with the most accurate data needed in uch a competitive and fast passed time. We will explore three tools that aid us in knowledge management and learn how these tools are of great benefit to a successful business. We will also look at knowledge management as we know it today. Narrative sections There are three vital tools of knowledge management and knowledge management systems I want to explore. They are as follows: social networking systems, customer relationship management and business intelligence. Information technology aids knowledge management to provide up to date and ccurate data desired on a moments notice to companVs members. A knowledge management system is of great value for any organizations in everyday situations by enabling the employee access to other colleges documents and information. Knowledge management systems allow each staffs member the capability to stay organized and utilize figures and data from the organization. Being able to share this information throughout the company can help the organization in providing a better quality job that may even lead to improvements. Each business varies in the types of knowledge management needed to run its rganization trom documents, technology, networks, just to name a few. Each type ot knowledge managements can accommodate different business methods from push strategy; pull strategy, competence management to databases. You must first distinguish between the vast types of knowledge to understand the different kinds of knowledge management needed. Different fields focus on different types like explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, and embedded knowledge. sale or a great investment opportunity. A social network allows a company to interact with its customers and employees all around the globe. More businesses are growing by staying connected with its customers with Facebook and Twitter. Social networks give a company the capability to reach a broader audience via the World Wide Web. The larges social network site today is Facebook which a lot of companies are beginning to utilize. Social networks operate through person-to-person and social influence. Companies can target their customers through social networks and optimize their social outreach. Companies also have the capability to respond to a customers concern and engage in a meaningful connection with repeat and new customers. With the hundreds of networking sites to access, it can be a challenge to manage multiple social sites, but the opportunities are endless. Customer relationship management provides an inside look to its customers purchase patterns that help plan the organizations sales activities. CRM will allow a company to target customers and generate leads for their sale items. Customer relationship management allows the business the needed information to better understand their customer base, building a more efficient business relationship between company, customer and distributer. With such important information gathered, a company can deliver customer gratification while make the most of its profits. A business can utilize CRM software to focus on the customers specific consumptions and thus tailor to their needs. CRM software provides a company with a buyer history and preferences leading to potential buys. Shoppers buying patterns can help to cross sell other items. Shoppers can be made aware of available items of their preference making for an easy marketing strategy. Business intelligence is raw information gathered from a data warehouse to help ake effective business decisions. With business intelligence you can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your company and stay competitive in todays market. With the proper information and good IT support a company can operate with good business intelligence. There are steps to properly utilizing good business intelligence. Gathering of information and incorporating existing information is the key to decision making. Data Marts are critical to help its members gain access to specific information needed. For better decision making, each epartment can access only the portion of information it requires versus being overwhelmed with unnecessary information. Being able to access the right information and the right time will help minimize errors of duplication and help run each department efficiently. Having the right software with good IT makes for a successful business. advantage of every source available to you. Your organization will run efficiently and with minimal inaccuracies. Focus on delivering up-to-date data for timely decision making.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Society in The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood Essay -- Handmaids
â€Å"Atwood’s feminism is an integral part of her critical approach, just as her concept of criticism is inseparable from her creative work†Walter Pache (1). A dystopia is a fictional society, usually existing in a future time period, in which the condition of life is extremely difficult due to deprivation, oppression or terror. In most dystopian fiction, a corrupt government creates or sustains the poor quality of life, often conditioning the masses to believe the society is proper and just, even perfect. Most dystopian fiction takes place in the future but purposely incorporates contemporary social trends taken to horrendous extremes. The novel, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, by Margaret Atwood focuses on the choices made by those controlling the society of Gilead in which increasing the population and preservation of mankind is the main objective, instead of freedom or happiness. The society has undergone many physical changes that have extreme psychological consequences. I believe Atwood sees Gilead as the result of attitudes and events in the early 1980s, which have spiralled out of control. ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ reflects Atwood’s views and critiques on civilisation. In an interview with Gabriele Metzler Atwood says, â€Å"There is nothing in the book that hasn’t already happened. All things described in the book people have already done to each other†(2). Throughout ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Offred is constantly conscious of her life before Gilead. This is reflected in the sections of the book headed â€Å"Night†. Offred often refers back to her life with her daughter and Luke, â€Å"Luke was in the living room. He put his arms around me. We were both feeling miserable. How were we to know we were happy, even then? Becaus... ...e extreme, she managed to visualise a dystopian world, which suppressed people’s freedom of choice. â€Å"Atwood is known as an outspoken defender of humanitarian values, an able and active advocate for woman’s rights and for freedom of speech†Nathalie Cooke (6). Therefore I do believe that Atwood’s novel ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ offers a very strong critique of American society in the 1980s. Bibliography (1) Walter Pache: â€Å"A Certain Frivolity†: Margaret Atwood’s Literary Criticism (2) Gabriele Metzler: â€Å"Creativity†: An Interview with Margaret Atwood (3) Bernard Richards: Margaret Atwood (4) Gabriele Metzler: â€Å"Creativity†: An Interview with Margaret Atwood (5) Lorna Irvine: â€Å"Recycling Culture: Kitsch, Camp and Trash†: Margaret Atwood’s Fiction (6) Nathalie Cooke: â€Å"Lions, Tigers and Pussycats†: Margaret Atwood (Auto) Biographically
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy of Teaching Statement
Philosophy of Education Education is an essential element to the life of every person. Teachers must have a philosophy of teaching to be effective in the classroom. No matter what way of teaching an educator chooses, it should positively affect his or her students and help to keep them on track to growing into strong intelligent adults. If a child is placed in a positive environment, then it will help shape them into good citizens. According to Plato, a student's environment determines his or her morals and character. It is very important for children to be able to function in society and to learn to interact well with other people; providing a positive learning environment plays a crucial role in instilling these characteristics. If all teachers would stress these concepts there would be a lot less discipline problems in the classroom. Philosophy Discipline plays a key role in the learning environment of the child. A teacher must have an effective discipline method to keep order in the classroom. The view of behaviorists seems to work in most situations. If positive reinforcement is utilized in the classroom, students will want to do well academically. Punishment often times causes students to rebel against authority. If the teacher rewards students for good behavior, then they will want to be consistent in their behavior they will see that this will benefit them. Knowledge is dependent upon the person and their situation, therefore the nature of knowledge is relative. Everyone is different and can not be expected to learn in the same manner. Some students learn best through experiencing things and doing things hands-on, these students are tactile-kinesthetic learners. Some students are auditory learners, ... ...variety of viewpoints. Elementary teachers should make sure that children have a good foundation in reading and math. It is very important that children have the basic skills that they need to build on and excel in the higher grades. As graduation approaches, my plans are to obtain a certificate in special education, concentrating on children with learning disabilities. After teaching for a few years, I plan to pursue a graduate degree in special education while I am still teaching. Educating young people is something that is very important to the future of society. As an educator, I would like to make a difference in the lives of my students. Upon leaving my classroom, I hope that my students will become open-minded and strong of heart. I want them to know what kind of things that they enjoy and to think of learning as a wonderful and valuable experience.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bullying Speech Essay
Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever cry yourself to sleep every night just because you don’t want to go to school the next day? Have you almost risk your own life just because you don’t want to live anymore? From the different experiences I had encountered and listened to, being bullied by the people around you really change one’s lifestyle and perception in life. Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems. Close to half of all the children will experience school bullying at some point while they are at primary or secondary school or sometimes even if they are already adult and at work. Like my cousin who is now a sophomore high school student, he has been bullied nonstop for almost two years. He was teased by his classmate s because of his dumbness and quietness in class. Once, his classmates had punched him because he doesn’t want to give his allowance to them. Parents should always check their child because more than 20% of children who are repeatedly bullied end up in jail. According to Doc Ryan of Cyber Bullying Seminars (2009), bullying has several forms. These are physical, verbal, social, psychological and cyber. Physical bullying is when a person (or group of people) uses physical actions to bully someone; such as hitting, poking, tripping or pushing and repeatedly and intentionally damaging someone’s belongings. Verbal bullying is the repeated or systematic name calling, insults, homophobic or racist remark and verbal cause. Social bullying is indirect actions, such as lying about someone, spreading rumors, playing a nasty joke that make the person feel humiliated or powerless, and mimicking or deliberately excluding someone. Psychological bullying is threatening, manipulating or stalking someone. And cyber bullying is a method of bullying that uses technology. There are many factors that motivate bullying behavior. Bullies want to feel powerful by insulting or mocking someone. They want to have the attention their families did not give them. They want to be aggressive. Bullies pick on the people they think don’t fit in, maybe because of how they look, how they act (for example, kids who are shy and withdrawn), their race or religion, or because the bullies think their target may be gay or lesbian. The bullies also have psychological problem of their own. They don’t bully other person just to act cool. They were attention seeking individuals who wanted to be noticed and to be noted as superior in their community. One of the most painful aspects of bullying is that it is relentless. Most people can take one episode of teasing or name calling or being shunned at the mall. However, when it goes on and on, bullying can put a person in a state of constant fear. Studies show that people who are abused by their peers are at risk for mental health problems, such as low self-esteem, stress, depression, or anxiety. They may also think about suicide more. There are many ways to overcome bullying. 1. Practice confidence. Practice ways to respond to the bully verbally or through your behavior. Practice feeling good about yourself (even if you have to fake it at first). 2. Ignore the bully and walk away. It’s definitely not a coward’s response  sometimes it can be harder than losing your temper. Bullies thrive on the reaction they get, and if you walk away or ignore hurtful emails or instant messages, you’re telling the bully that you just don’t care. 3. Seek guidance or ask for help when you or someone is bullied. It may help to talk to a guidance counselor, teacher, or friend  anyone who can give you the support you need. Talking can be a good outlet for the fears and frustrations that can build when you’re being bullied. 4. Take charge of your life. You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can stay true to yourself. Think about ways to feel your best  and your strongest. To sum up everything, bullying is an abuse of your human rights. It is a serious problem with serious mental and physical impacts. It can affect you at home, school, and work, in your social life and in your ability to feel happy, healthy and secure. It is a parasitical exchange, where one person gains a benefit from hurting another. Standing up to bullies doesn’t mean you have to have a physical fight with them. Most of the time, you don’t have to fight. There are almost always more effective ways to deal with bullies  ways that are better for you. Don’t ever forget that everyone has the right to feel safe and happy. Today’s problem isn’t so much the bullying itself – bullying has been around for centuries. The problem is that it is difficult to escape from its cruelty. Despite campaigning, bullying itself won’t become extinct, but the safety felt by victims can be increased.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Figurative Language Definition and Examples
Figurative Language Definition and Examples Figurative language is language in which figures of speech (such as metaphors and metonyms) freely occur. Contrast with literal speech or language. If something happens literally, says childrens book author Lemony Snicket, it actually happens; if something happens figuratively, it feels like it is happening. If you are literally jumping for joy, for instance, it means you are leaping in the air because you are very happy. If you are figuratively jumping for joy, it means you are so happy that you could jump for joy but are saving your energy for other matters† (The Bad Beginning, 2000). Figurative language can also be defined as any deliberate departure from the conventional meaning, order, or construction of words. Examples It is midmorning. A few minutes ago I took my coffee break. I am speaking figuratively, of course. Theres not a drop of coffee in this place and there never has been.(Tom Robbins, Another Roadside Attraction. Random House, 1971)MetaphorsMemory is a crazy woman that hoards colored rags and throws away food.(Austin OMalley, Keystones of Thought)SimilesThe Dukes moustache was rising and falling like seaweed on an ebb-tide.(P.G. Wodehouse, Uncle Fred in the Springtime, 1939)HyperboleI was helpless. I did not know what in the world to do. I was quaking from head to foot and could have hung my hat on my eyes, they stuck out so far.(Mark Twain, Old Times on the Mississippi)UnderstatementLast week I saw a woman flayed, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse.(Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub, 1704)MetonymyThe suits on Wall Street walked off with most of our savings.ChiasmusYou forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget.(Cormac M cCarthy, The Road, 2006) AnaphoraAnaphora will repeat an opening phrase or word;Anaphora will pour it into a mold (absurd)!Anaphora will cast each subsequent opening;Anaphora will last until its tiring.(John Hollander, Rhymes Reason: A Guide to English Verse. Yale Univ. Press, 1989) Kinds of Figurative Language (1) Phonological figures include alliteration, assonance, and onomatopoeia. In his poem The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1842), Robert Browning repeats sibilants, nasals, and liquids as he shows how the children respond to the piper: There was a rustling, that seemed like a bustling / Of merry crowds justling at pitching and hustling. Something sinister has started.(2) Orthographic figures use visual forms created for effect: for example, America spelled Amerika (by left-wing radicals in the 1970s and as the name of a movie in the 1980s) to suggest a totalitarian state.(3) Syntactic figures may bring the non-standard into the standard language, as in US President Ronald Reagans You aint seen nothing yet (1984), a nonstandard double negative used to project a vigorous, folksy image.(4) Lexical figures extend the conventional so as to surprise or entertain, as when, instead of a phrase like a year ago, the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas wrote a grief ago, or when the Irish dramatist Oscar Wilde sai d at the New York Customs, I have nothing to declare but my genius. When people say that you cant take something literally, they are generally referring to usage that challenges everyday reality: for example, through exaggeration (the hyperbole in loads of money), comparison (the simile like death warmed up; the metaphor life is an uphill struggle), physical and other associations (the metonymy Crown property for something owned by royalty), and a part for a whole (the synecdoche All hands on deck!).(Tom McArthur, The Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, 2005) Observations Figures are as old as language. They lie buried in many words of current use. They occur constantly in both prose and poetry.(Joseph T. Shipley, Dictionary of World Literary Terms, 1970)Traditionally, figurative language such as metaphors and idioms has been considered derivative from and more complex than ostensibly straightforward language. A contemporary view . . . is that figurative language involves the same kinds of linguistic and pragmatic operations that are used for ordinary, literal language.(Sam Glucksberg, Understanding Figurative Language. Oxford University Press, 2001)At no place in Book III [of the Rhetoric] does Aristotle claim that these devices [figures] serve an ornamental or emotional function or that they are in any way epiphenomenal. Instead, Aristotles somewhat dispersed discussion suggests that certain devices are compelling because they map a function onto a form or perfectly epitomize certain patterns of thought or argument.(Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Fig ures in Science. Oxford University. Press, 1999) The emergence of nonliteral language as a respectable topic has led to a convergence of many fields: philosophy, linguistics, and literary analyses, computer science, neuroscience, and experimental cognitive psychology, to name a few. Each of these fields has enriched the scientific understanding of the relation between language and thought.(A.N. Katz, C. Cacciari, R. W. Gibbs, Jr., and M. Turner, Figurative Language and Thought. Oxford University Press, 1998) Figurative Language and Thought This new view of the poetics of mind has the following general characteristics: - The mind is not inherently literal.- Language is not independent of the mind but reflects our perceptual and conceptual understanding of experience.- Figuration is not merely a matter of language but provides much of the foundation for thought, reason and imagination.- Figurative language is not deviant or ornamental but is ubiquitous in everyday speech.- Figurative modes of thought motivate the meaning of many linguistic expressions that are commonly viewed as having literal interpretations.- Metaphorical meaning is grounded in nonmetaphorical aspects of recurring bodily experiences or experiential gestalts.- Scientific theories, legal reasoning, myths, art, and a variety of cultural practices exemplify many of the same figurative schemes found in everyday thought and language.- Many aspects of word meaning are motivated by figurative schemes of thought.- Figurative language does not require special cognitive processes to be produced and understood.- Childrens figurative thought m otivates their significant ability to use and understand many kinds of figurative speech. These claims dispute many beliefs about language, thought, and meaning that have dominated the Western intellectual tradition.(Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr., The Poetics of Mind: Figurative Thought, Language, and Understanding. Cambridge University Press, 1994) The Conceptual Metaphor Theory According to the conceptual metaphor theory, metaphors and other forms of figurative language are not necessarily creative expressions. This is admittedly a somewhat unusual idea, as we ordinarily associate figurative language with poetry and with the creative aspects of language. But Gibbs (1994 [above]) suggests that what is frequently seen as a creative expression of some idea is often only a spectacular instantiation of specific metaphorical entailments that arise from the small set of conceptual metaphors shared by many individuals within a culture (p. 424). The conceptual model assumes that the underlying nature of our thought processes is metaphorical. That is, we use metaphor to make sense of our experience. Thus, according to Gibbs, when we encounter a verbal metaphor it automatically activates the corresponding conceptual metaphor. (David W. Carroll, Psychology of Language, 5th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2008) John Updikes Use of Figurative Language [John] Updike wrote self-consciously about big subjects and big themes, but he was always celebrated more for his prose style than for his subject matter. And his great gift, on the level of style, was not just descriptive but explicitly figurativenot about presentation, in other words, but about transformation. This gift could work both for and against him. Figurative language, best employed, is a way of making connections between disparate phenomena, but even more than that it is a way of making us see better, more freshly, more naà ¯vely. Updike was more than capable of such flights: Outdoors it is growing dark and cool. The Norway maples exhale the smell of their sticky new buds and the broad living-room windows along Wilbur Street show beyond the silver patch of a television set the warm bulbs burning in kitchens, like fires at the backs of caves. . . . [A] mailbox stands leaning in twilight on its concrete post. Tall two-petaled street sign, the cleat-gouged trunk of the telephone pole holding its insulators against the sky, fire hydrant like a golden bush: a grove.[Rabbit, Run] But taking one thing and turning it, via language, into another can also be a way of deferring or denying or opting out of engagement with the thing nominally being described. (Jonathan Dee, Agreeable Angstrom: John Updike, Yes-Man. Harpers, June 2014) The Abuse of Figurative Language Obfuscation also comes from mishandled metaphor. As readers of his reviews will know, letting [James] Wood anywhere near figurative language is like giving an alcoholic the keys to a distillery. In no time, he’s unsteady and comprehensibility is a casualty. Getting images upside down is a speciality. The personality of a Svevo character is, Wood writes, as comically perforated as a bullet-holed flag- an odd view of what’s comical since such a flag would usually be found among the dead and mutilated on a battlefield. Another character is inundated with impressions . . . like Noah’s dove. The point about Noah’s dove, though, is that it wasn’t inundated but survived the flood and ultimately brought back evidence that the waters had subsided. (Peter Kemp, review of How Fiction Works by James Wood. The Sunday Times, March 2, 2008)
Monday, October 21, 2019
Cultural Identity Essays
Cultural Identity Essays Cultural Identity Paper Cultural Identity Paper Essay Topic: Aint I a Woman Black Women and Feminism The story has an underlying feministic weave. There is a noticeable lack of the mention of any father figure in the story and even the role of Dees companion, Hakim-a barber is minimized. Everyday Use makes no mention of a father for either of the daughters. The strength of Mamma is so compelling that it overshadows any need for a male in the house. This symbolically illustrates the black woman as the underpinning of the African American family. The message is that black women have always been strong but have never asserted that strength. Mama describes herself as a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man (Walker, Everyday Use) Mamas upbeat self-image in spite of little formal education leads the reader to feel the intense pride she has in maintaining self-sufficiency. Mama does the hard work a man would, if he were around. Mama is a feminist, not manifested by protesting for equal rights or male bashing, but by virtue of strong will and determination exemplified by doing what it takes to provide and care for the family. The male presence is absent from Mamas home. The only exceptions are the memories of hand constructed household items. No mention is made of a father. He is absent in memory, financial support, nor is he even mentioned in the story at all. Walkers story goes to great lengths to describe Dees outgoing personality, speech and her clothing and accessories. Contrasting Dees outgoing personality is Hakim-a barbers it minimized, when after arriving in the car his only words and actions are an attempt to explain and pronounce his African name and a feeble attempt to perform an unknown ritualistic hand shake. Hakim-a barber illustrates his lack of provider skills when he said But farming and raising cattle is not my style. (Walker, Everyday Use) He provides nothing of the daily substance required to feed or provide for a family (Everyday Use. ) Alice Walker is intentionally vague regarding Dees, relationship with boyfriend / husband Hakim-a barber. Hakim-a barber seems relegated to chauffer and conspirator enamored with the illusion of Black Power. Hakims character is shallow and without essence, thus relegating the male to a third class position in the family. This is likely a reflection of Walkers disdain for the superficial actions of black men during the Black Power movement in the 1960s. Although they go through the outward motions and threaten and shout, they still depend on the women as they always have. Walker infers that the women are the true source of inspiration and strength. Finally, Walker imparts a third theme, which is that of cultural heritage and what it should mean to the African-American Black of the 1960s and 1970s. Walkers main purpose in the story seems to be to challenge the Black Power movement and black people in general, to acknowledge and respect their American heritage. (White, David) (Everyday Use: Defining African-American Heritage. ) The fact that Dee/Wangero has two names is a symbol of the young persons confusion in the search for identity with a culture that is acceptable to them. Since they are ashamed of their role in the American past, they attempt to throw off all reference to the Negro culture, in favor of the African culture, but neither seems to have total credibility. They do not understand the need to find the blend between the two in order to move forward. Mama struggles to decide which daughter should receive the family quilt. Quilts have a special symbolic meaning to Mama. When she moves up to touch the quilts, she is reaching out to touch the people whom the quilts represent. On a deeper level, Alice Walker is exploring the concept of heritage as it applies to American blacks, particularly women. As in other works, Walker uses quilts to symbolize the ancient bond between women. In Everyday Use, the quilts serve the same function in this poor black family as the family paintings or photo albums might have in a white household. In the persona of Wangero, Dee strives to reject her American heritage and take on an African one, but in the persona of Dee, she wants to be like her white girlfriends and display her American heritage. Mama sees hanging the quilts on the wall as Dee distancing herself from her true past. Mama cannot trust Dee to carry on the traditions established by past generations of family members. Walker weaves in her insights into African and American heritage to write Everyday use. Finally, Mama realizes that her daughter Maggie has a closer connection with her view of family history than Dee does, and gives her the quilts, following her assertion of authority over Dee Dee takes pictures of her Mamma and sister Dee but is always using a backdrop of a cow or the poverty-stricken shack they call home. This is indicative of Dee holding herself in a superior class of Black from her family. One can almost envision Dee passing the pictures around to her friends and saying, See I achieved my status from such humble beginnings. Dee shows the extreme side of Black Civil rights, Black Panthers who reject their American culture, seeking to reinvent a heritage with proud African roots. That fact Dee is rejecting hundreds of years of her heritage, for one that is fabricated is disconcerting to Mama. Dee projects so little insight to her American heritage that when asked what she would do with the family quilts she replies, It is clear from Maggies statement that her everyday use of the quilts would be as a reminder of her Grandma Dee. Dees primary use for the quilts would be to hang them on the wall as a reminder of her superior social and economic status. (White, David. Everyday Use: Defining African-American Heritage. ) This parallels her with middle class girlfriends family portraits hanging on the wall. Dee will only observe her family heritage, but Maggie will ast as a cultural role model every day. Alice Walker is effective in weaving symbolism into much of her writing and Everyday Use is no exception. Walker possesses the ability to write on a multifaceted level that is simple but purposeful with profound underlying themes. Her style of writing allows her to convey her messages to her readers, each having the possibility of gaining as much as their intellect and backgrounds will permit. She avoids polarization, but challenges her literary audience with this symbolic writing style. In addressing topics, that she is both knowledgeable and passionate about Alice Walker uses symbolism to address three issues: Racism, Feminism and the Search for Cultural Identity. WORKS CITED Alice Walker Biography The University of Texas at Austin [6 June, 2003] http://wwwvms. utexas. edu/~melindaj/bio. html Nama, Charles Aesthetic modes in Afro-American fiction. Kola, Autumn 2002 v14 i2 p51 (9). InfoTrac Web: Expanded Academic ASAP Brookhaven College Library, Farmer Branch, TX Electronic Collection: A94126706 Copyright (c) 1995-2003 by Pearson Education, publishing as Longman Publishers
Sunday, October 20, 2019
3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations
3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations 3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations 3 Cases of Not Only . . . but Also Variations By Mark Nichol Sentences that employ the â€Å"not only . . . but also†counterpoint (as in â€Å"I visited not only France but also Spain†) can confound writers, who often fail to apply logical syntax when using this construction. As shown in the examples below, such confusion often occurs in similarly posed statements. Discussion and revision of each sentence explains and illustrates coherent use of related constructions. 1. The idea was not to just construct a new arena, but one that would nod to the roots of the game. Just occupies the same role as only in a â€Å"not only . . . but also†counterpoint, and the principle is the same- when a verb applies to both the â€Å"not only†proposition and the â€Å"but also†proposition, the verb must precede â€Å"not only†: â€Å"The idea was to construct not just a new arena but also one that would nod to the roots of the game.†(Also, note that in this example as well as in the others, internal punctuation is not required to set off the two parts of the sentence.) 2. The above principles are not intended to prescribe specific reporting practices, but rather offer sound direction for the board and management to pursue. Here, as in a â€Å"not only . . . but also†construction of this type, the verb supports both elements of the not/rather counterpoint, so it must precede, not follow, not: â€Å"The above principles are intended not to prescribe specific reporting practices but rather to offer sound direction for the board and management to pursue.†3. It’s not simply deciding how good or bad an individual playing card is, but rather how consistently the player manages his or her appetite to win and his or her tolerance for losing. This sentence does not have a â€Å"not only . . . but also†counterpoint, but it requires a similar construction to make sense. Because simply implies addition, not replacement, also should replace rather, and the second part of the sentence requires a verb equivalent to deciding: â€Å"It’s not simply deciding how good or bad an individual playing card is but also determining how consistently the player manages his or her appetite to win and his or her tolerance for losing. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:5 Uses of InfinitivesDeck the HallsQuiet or Quite?
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Interventional MR systems Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Interventional MR systems - Assignment Example The most critical challenges in using this technique have thus been discussed followed by a conclusion. Keywords: Interventional MR, iMRI, intraoperative MRI, MRI, Magnetic Resonance, Operating Room, imaging Table of Contents: Introduction 3 Definition and Classification 3 Classification 5 Safety Considerations 7 Advancements 8 Improved MR scanner 8 Interventional pulse sequencing and adaptive imaging 9 MR compatible instruments, tracking and visualisation 9 Augmented reality introduced in surgical system 11 Challenges 12 Conclusion 14 References 15 Introduction Magnetic resonance or MR techniques are extensively used in the medical world for imaging purpose. Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI is reliable, precise and detailed. Also, advanced MRI implementation can culminate at three dimensional or 3D view of a patient’s tissue system. Previous to the development of interventional MRI or iMRI, most of the existing medical imaging technologies were primarily used for the purpose of diagnostic processes. But MRI proves to be more reliable than even the most advanced technologies like computerised tomography or CT scan (Blanco Sequeiros et al 2005). Therefore, experts are now considering expanded intraoperative usage of MR technologies, and iMRI has become a prime area of research in this field. In this paper, iMRI is defined and classified in a detailed manner. Next, safety considerations are discussed. After that, important advancements in the field of iMRI are discussed. Contextually, challenges in the way of optimizing iMRI are detailed. The paper ends in a concise conclusion. The overall discussions in this paper are focussed on iMRI and the technology of magnetic resonance is elaborated wherever deemed necessary. Definition and Classification Initially, magnetic resonance imaging or MRI was utilised to find out and examine greater intricacies of tissue structure. The primary aim was to understand patient morphology with the help of case specific detail s in furtherance with increase in scientific knowledge. Through the 1990s, research in magnetic resonance instrumentation targeted at finding out new methods to acquire detailed images more rapidly at higher resolutions to harness greater intricacy in understand patient condition and tissue abnormalities. The basic principle of the function of a conventional MRI device is shown in Figure – 1. (Coyne 2013; Brown and Semelke1999) Figure – 1: Basic function of a conventional MRI system (Coyne 2013) So conventional MRI and Interventional MRI (may also be referred to as intraoperative MRI) or iMRI are completely different techniques although the basic technology behind them is the same. MRI is used in a largely stationary environment to meet diagnostic aims. But iMRI aims at not only examining but also treating the abnormal tissues diagnosed or discovered during an operative procedure. Furthermore, iMRI can both guide and improve the treatment process, including procedures in an operation room (OR). (Blanco Sequeiros et al 2005; Lufkin, Gronemeyer, and Seibel 1997) Hushek et al (2008) state that iMRI applications have facilitated development of various improved ancillary devices and techniques that have enriched medical technology and biophysics holistically. For example, continuous research in the field of iMRI led to the invention of advanced pulse sequencing to establish a rapid imaging system with the help of an MR scanner. Furthermore, iMRI
Friday, October 18, 2019
Reasearch project managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reasearch project managment - Essay Example Furthermore, these commodities are leading causes of pollution since they undergo combustion prior to their use leading to the emission of greenhouse gases that pollute the atmosphere (EREC 2010). As apparent in recent findings, countries within the European Union continue to record an increase in the demand for energy generated from renewable sources. From the sample size used in the research, estimations indicate that an increase in energy consumption will be recorded in the next decade due to continuity in the growth of the population. Normally, the developed countries are the principal consumers for energy. This is attributable to their increased utilization of technology and items that use energy to run operations (EREC 2010). The categories of the energy, which are used in such countries, include electricity, solar, wind and fossil fuels. Scientifically, it will be important for nations to educate its citizens on the roles they can play in promoting the use of renewable sources. The research intended to establish the factors that influenced consumption of energy within the European Union basing on percentage figures. As apparent in the findings, there was an expectation that pollution would increase based on the demand for fuel and other sources of energy. Therefore, authorities should devise measures of curbing the negative environmental effects associated with energy consumption (EREC 2010). The use of energy commodities is advantageous; however, regulatory mechanisms should be adopted to limit the detrimental impacts that cause environmental pollution. The need for control mechanisms is partly attributable to the colossal sums that countries within the EU spend in meeting their energy needs. Research indicates that the gross national savings for the member countries should focus on electricity production. Concerns focusing on
Journal Responce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Journal Responce - Essay Example King supports the argument stating that civil disobedience is one of the main tools used by historical figures and nations to protect and justify their rights and freedom. "There is nothing new about this kind of disobedience" (p.5). Stating a thesis, King uses historical information to attract listeners attention at once. The author shows that Americans should be free from segregation and racial discrimination using direct actions, because "freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor" (p.3). The argument is aimed to persuade and convince its audience of the truth of his statement explaining that non-violent civil disobedience have deep historical roots and closely connected with human rights movements. King attempts to persuade listeners that all people are equal and racial discrimination is based on unjust laws which should be eliminated. King uses definitional arguments to explain just and unjust laws. He explains that segregation laws are unjust laws: "Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that 'an unjust law is no law at all" (p.4). These arguments are crucial for the speech because they explain to unprepared listeners principles and social rules of a free society and equal rights. Definitional arguments help listeners to grasp the idea at once and inform them about legal rules and principles of social justice. It
Thursday, October 17, 2019
History of Commincation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History of Commincation - Essay Example The Renaissance era was a time with a lot of technological advancements. Communication also had a significant technological advancement including the printing press and also the linear perspective in drawing. There were major artists of the period that had a meaningful communication through their artwork. There are sketchbooks from that period that include books from Leonardo Da Vinci that have valuable insight into the mechanical technology of the time. The late 14th century and the early 15th century saw the use of the arquebus and musket. The printing press that was a significant advancement in technology saw many books and other media messages spread throughout Europe. The spreading of the messages and the books was a great help to enable people to be more conscious of their national identities. Printing that was a significant development during the era was a discovery by Gutenberg. The whole idea was Gutenberg’s invention that saw the printing machine being a movable type . The movable part saw the increase in use and it spread all over Europe. The expanded interest in expressions, designing and building ventures required non-verbal and traceable correspondence record of a more rugged sturdiness than wooden tablets with clay or wax. The material was accessible, yet was excessively costly. Amid the Renaissance paper fabricating, which likely had its creation in China around 100 AD, was beaten and paper plants set up crosswise over Europe. Even before education turns out to be, more broad portrayals and drawings were utilized to communicate.
Civil Rights Legislation and the Return of Status Essay
Civil Rights Legislation and the Return of Status - Essay Example These students would become known as the "Little Rock Nine."2 In 1960, students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College staged a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter. Their mistreatment was televised to the nation and prompted reflection. Also in North Carolina, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was founded at Shaw University to give black students direction in the civil rights movement.3 1963 was an active year on the Civil Rights timeline. Martin Luther King was arrested and jailed. There, he wrote his famous "Letter From the Birmingham Jail," voicing the familiar argument that is was a moral duty to disobey unjust laws. In May, Birmingham officials unleashed fire hoses and police dogs on black protestors, once again televised for the world to see. The Lincoln Memorial was the congregation point of 200,000 who joined the March on Washington, where King spoke his "I Have a Dream" speech. Violence continued in the streets of Birmingham when four young girls were killed in an explosion at the Sixteenth Baptist Church, the location of several civil rights meetings.4 Progress came in the form of the 24th Amendment in 1964, which abolished a poll tax designed to block blacks fro
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
History of Commincation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
History of Commincation - Essay Example The Renaissance era was a time with a lot of technological advancements. Communication also had a significant technological advancement including the printing press and also the linear perspective in drawing. There were major artists of the period that had a meaningful communication through their artwork. There are sketchbooks from that period that include books from Leonardo Da Vinci that have valuable insight into the mechanical technology of the time. The late 14th century and the early 15th century saw the use of the arquebus and musket. The printing press that was a significant advancement in technology saw many books and other media messages spread throughout Europe. The spreading of the messages and the books was a great help to enable people to be more conscious of their national identities. Printing that was a significant development during the era was a discovery by Gutenberg. The whole idea was Gutenberg’s invention that saw the printing machine being a movable type . The movable part saw the increase in use and it spread all over Europe. The expanded interest in expressions, designing and building ventures required non-verbal and traceable correspondence record of a more rugged sturdiness than wooden tablets with clay or wax. The material was accessible, yet was excessively costly. Amid the Renaissance paper fabricating, which likely had its creation in China around 100 AD, was beaten and paper plants set up crosswise over Europe. Even before education turns out to be, more broad portrayals and drawings were utilized to communicate.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Physics Project (( Radioactive decay )) Lab Report
Physics Project (( Radioactive decay )) - Lab Report Example We used excel tables, bar graphs and smooth line graphs to analyses the data obtained from the laboratory. We found out that during half life time interval the coins will decay to half its initial number just as it will occur with real nuclei decay. Also, that the decay process is an exponential function curve. To decay to zero, we need approximately three times the half-life of the coins. The throwing of the pennies proved to a good model for the nuclei decay process as shown by the normal distribution frequency curves Radioactivity is the natural, spontaneous process in which a nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting particles such as gamma, beta or alpha particles. Past studies (Martin 2006. Pg 15) have shown that these radioactive nucleus though are randomly emitting particle, the time it takes for a particular radioactive element to reduce to half its original amount is always a constant. In this project, we set out to perform a radioactive decay process and find half-life by using the flipping of pennies. We set to investigate if half of the coins decays at each flip and also investigate the relationship between the accumulated coins decayed and the coins left curves. If we assume that the coins were being flipped at equal interval of time (half-life) we wanted also to investigate if the number of coins that decay each time is half the original number. With these objectives, we set the following hypothesis; that tossing a coin is a good model for radioactive half-life (Cook 2010, Pg. 46). Approximately 50% of the coins should decay at each throw and that it should take approximately three shakes to get to zero coins left. In the second set up hypothe\sis were that; four coins should decay most often on the first throw. Our prediction of the percentage decay first throws calculation is 50%. The distribution of the number of coins that decay on the first throw should be bell shaped (Cook 2010, Pg.
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi Analysis Essay Example for Free
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi Analysis Essay In the book, Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi, the main character is the author as a young girl growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution of 1979. She starts off as an incredibly positive child with enormous faith in herself and her relationship with G-d. Through her experiences, especially when she was in her crucial, early teenage years, she completely loses her faith in G-d and also rebels against her environment. The author wants to show the Western world that there are many people in Iran, like Marjane, that are no different than Westerners. She does this by describing her childhood teenage conflicts with her parents, with oppression and with her faith in G-d, all of which most Western teenagers could easily relate to. Marjane’s conflicts prove that she is not just a spoiled teenager, rebelling for no other reason than just being a teenager, but that the environment she was in would make most teenagers rebel. Two of Marjane’s conflicts with her parents come from her strong desire to participate in the public protests against the Shah. Marjane has a close relationship with her parents, whose activism against oppression influences her greatly. She sees her parents go to protests against the Shah and she desperately wants to join in and be a part of it. On panels 16.9-17.6, Marjane is begging her parents to allow her to join them in the next day’s protests. She says to them, â€Å"For a revolution to succeed, the entire population must support it.†They tell her she can’t go yet because it is too dangerous. She is very upset with them for not letting her go. Later, on panels 38.1-39.5, Marjane defies her parents’ authority by attending a demonstration with her maid, Mehri. The author narrates, â€Å"When I finally understood the reasons for the Revolution I made my decision.†Marjane is referring to her decision to go to a protest against the Shah. This is after her maid’s heart is broken because the boy she is in love with dumps her when he finds out she is below his social class. Marjane believes that the Revolution will abolish the social class system. These two examples of conflict with her parents show that Marjane is not just acting out against her parents, but cares deeply for the future of her country and those closest to her, like her maid. The Islamic Fundamentalists’ new rules and laws also create conflicts for Marjane because of the influence from her parents’ secular beliefs and her previous secular schooling. On panels 96.1-98.7, the author describes Marjane’s new school environment after her secular French school is shut down. The students are forced into Islamic schools where the girls and boys are separated. They have new rituals to perform, like hitting themselves to honor the Iran-Iraq war casualties. Almost immediately, the students begin to make fun of the rituals and the new teachers enforcing them. The school is so upset with the students’ behavior that the parents are called in for a lecture as well. At the end of the lecture, Marjane’s father says to the teacher, â€Å"If hair is as stimulating as you say, then you need to shave your mustache!†This shows Marjane’s parents’ rebellion against the Fundamentalism, which heavily influences Marjane. It also shows that Marjane, and her fellow students in this case, are not doing anything wrong in their parents’ eyes, but simply having a tough time adapting to this completely new set of beliefs, rules and laws. A similar conflict for Marjane revolves around the new, strict rules on what women can wear in public. On panels 130.1-134.4, Marjane’s parents return from a trip to Turkey with gifts of Western clothing for her. She immediately puts them on, gets a compliment from her mother, and goes out to buy some black market rock and roll tapes. She is confronted by the Guardians of the Revolution for wearing the Western clothing and almost gets arrested. Like any teenager who receives cool, new clothes from their parents, she wants to immediately enjoy wearing them. Also, she has only known freedom and has been taught by her parents that it is OK to express herself with clothing. Rather than being a spoiled teenager, rebelling against the Fundamentalists, she is simply a teenager expressing herself and trying to enjoy herself in her new clothes. Marjane’s environment also causes her to have a major conflict with her faith in G-d. As a young girl, Marjane truly believes that she will be the Last Prophet. (6.3-9.6) She feels so strongly about this and her relationship with G-d she even endures ridicule from her classmates for saying she will be a Prophet. But, as her environment changes, and the Revolution starts to build, she shows signs of conflict with her faith in G-d. On Panel 10.1 she says, â€Å"My faith was not unshakable.†On 10.2 the author narrates, â€Å"The year of the Revolution I had to take action. So I put my prophetic destiny aside for a while.†The fact that she truly believed she would become a prophet, to the point of enduring ridicule, showed that she was very serious about her faith in G-d. Then her environment changes so much due to the building Revolution and the terrible things happening in Iran under the Shah’s government that she takes her emotional energy away from her f aith in G-d and starts to put it towards the Revolution. Her once strong relationship with G-d ends completely when her uncle Anoosh is falsely accused of being a Russian spy and executed. (70.1) On panel 70.4, Marjane tells G-d, â€Å"Get out of my life! I never want to see you again!†Throughout the rest of Persepolis, Marjane never again mentions G-d. She went from believing she is a prophet, and talking to G-d regularly, to completely rejecting Him. This profound change shows that Marjane’s life was deeply affected by her environment. When the tough environment Marjane grew up in is considered, her conflicts with her parents, with oppression and with her faith in G-d seem understandable. Her conflicts with her parents arose mainly from her desire to protest because that’s what she thought she should be doing. Her conflicts with her oppressive, Islamic Fundamentalist school are understandable because it was all new for her and her classmates. And finally, her conflict with her faith in G-d was due to the overwhelming circumstances of the Revolution and the oppressive, Islamic Fundamentalist regime. Her reactions to her environment seem completely normal and justified. She is not a rebellious child and teenager, but is just very committed to whatever she believes in, and conflict almost always comes with commitment.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Disadvantages Of Baby Sitting Children And Young People Essay
The Disadvantages Of Baby Sitting Children And Young People Essay Babysitters can range in age, tending to be in their pre-teens/teens, ages 11-19, yet it is not uncommon for students in their 20s to take on babysitting as a part-time job. The type of work for babysitters also varies, from watching a sleeping child, to playing games, preparing meals, teaching the child to read, or even driving (if the age is right), depending on the agreed upon terms and determined by parental permission. In some countries various organizations produce courses for babysitters, mainly focusing on child safety and first aid appropriate for infants and children. These classes or courses can be provided at local hospitals and sometimes even schools. These classes can equip the babysitter with information to keep both the child, or children, and sitter safe in various health and weather scenarios. [edit] U.S. In the United States, the circumstances that babysitters face can change quickly. The American Red Cross is currently the most popular form of certification; its curriculum ranges from sleeping to emergencies to encouraging young entrepreneurship. It has been statistically shown that parents are more relaxed with a certified babysitter. [1] [edit] Word History The term baby sitter first appeared in 1937; the verb form baby-sit is first recorded in 1947.[2] The American Heritage College Dictionary notes One normally would expect the agent noun babysitter with its -er suffix to come from the verb baby-sit, as diver comes from dive, but in fact babysitter is first recorded in 1937, ten years earlier than the first appearance of baby-sit. Thus the verb was derived from the agent noun rather than the other way around, and represents a good example of back-formation.[3] The use of the word sit to abbreviate to refer to a baby-sitter is recorded from 1800[citation needed]. The term may have originated from the action of the caretaker sitting on the baby in one room, while the parents were entertaining or busy in another. [edit] International variations in definition In British English the term refers only to caring for a child for a few hours, on an informal basis and usually in the evening when the child is asleep for most of the time.[citation needed] In American English the term can include caring for a child for the whole or most of the day, and on a regular or more formal basis, which would be described as childminding in British English. In the United States, the term is sometimes used when one parent is at home and the other, who would normally be present, is not. In India a babysitter or nanny is known as an ayah or aya, a person hired on a longer term contract basis to look after a child regardless of the presence of the parents. The Disadvantages of Baby-Sitting Baby-sitting is a way to get some extra money in a short time period, but disadvantages are present, such as hours, behavior of children and irregular schedule. This is not a dependable way to earn income because you are at the mercy of families needing a baby-sitter. On-Demand Sitting Baby-sitters are needed sporadically. There is no regular schedule and are often called upon last minute. The jobs can occur once and then never again. It all depends on whether the employer ever needs a baby-sitter again and if he was happy with your work with his children. Uneducated in Child Care A person who is in need of a baby-sitter may require the sitter to have certain type of experience and certifications, such as CPR, before hiring a baby-sitter. However, typically, baby-sitters do not have an education in child care or several years of experience. This type of person is usually doing it to make a few extra dollars. Hours The hours of a baby-sitting job could be at any time during the day. If a baby-sitter limits the hours of her availability, the amount of work is decreased. Also, a baby-sitter needs to be ready for long night hours. Most baby-sitters are needed to watch children at night while the parents take in a movie, dinner or attend a work event. Behavior of Children The children that a baby-sitter tends to may appear have angel-like characteristics in front of his parents, but things may change when a sitter is alone with the child. The children may have foul language, tantrums if they dont get what they want or display meanness because the parents left them with a sitter. What are the advantages of babysitters? One of the advantages of using a babysitter is that your baby or child will be one of a small group, and the babysitter can therefore offer plenty of individual attention. Some babysitters take care of children from several families, and usually have mixed age groups, which closely mirrors family life. This may help your child learn to feel comfortable around older and younger children. It also makes it easier to care for all the children in a family, from babies to school age children. Often, babysitters look after children from babyhood through to secondary school, giving them a great sense of security and continuity. Many parents like this family-friendly interaction, and sometimes what starts out as a babysitting arrangement becomes a strong friendship that lasts for years. Taking your child to a babysitter can be the next best thing to your own home. If youre lucky enough to find a good babysitter close by, so much the better; your child will feel even more at home. From a practical viewpoint, babysitters can often be more flexible about pick-up and drop-off times. This extra flexibility may mean that you dont have to organise back-up care as often and is particularly useful if you work shifts. However, like all childcare arrangements, it is important not to take advantage, otherwise you may find that you have to start your childcare search all over again. What are the disadvantages? If your babysitter becomes ill or takes a holiday, you may be stumped for back-up childcare. Make sure you ask your babysitter how she deals with situations like this. Some parents worry that the babysitters children will get more attention than their own, which puts them off the arrangement. Even the best babysitters still have to meet the needs of their own families and the other children that they are caring for. However, all aspects of day-to-day life can offer learning opportunities, and good babysitters will ensure that the children in their care are regularly engaged in new activities and experiences. Making a decision In common with most childcare choices, there are pros and cons for you to weigh up. But depending on your own perspective, what one person might see as a disadvantage (such as fitting into the babysitters daily routine), might be viewed as an advantage by another (lots of learning opportunities in a family environment). The best decision for you will be based on what feels right in your individual circumstances. Baby-Sitting Duties Salary For a great many people, baby-sitting is the first hired work experience in life. Non-professional baby sitters usually range between the ages of 15 and 22. For young people, baby-sitting is usually great non-family related flexible employment that can continue all the way through college. Baby sitters have two duties: to keep the children safe and to provide them with comfort. The rates, however, vary by location and circumstance. Safety The No. 1 and most basic of baby-sitter duties is to make sure that the kids are safe; that no physical harm has occurred to them on your watch. Accidents can happen, but it is the sitters responsibility to know where the child is at all times. If there are multiple children, it is also the sitters duty to make sure that they do not harm each other. Knowing the dangers in a house, especially for the first time can be difficult. It is important to go over all the safety details with the parents before they leave you. Where are all the doors? Are they locked? Do the drawers and kitchen cabinets lock? Are the electrical outlets properly covered? and so on. The best way to keep a child safe is to keep them in your attention at all times. Young children should be followed and monitored closely, older children can have a little more privacy if they desire. If you must drive make sure you have proper car seats. You must also need to know what to do in the case of emergency; where the first aid is, how to do CPR and where to call for help. Care Along with safety, a baby sitters duty is to provide the children with their basic needs. Usually you will have to feed them, bath them, change diapers or help them with the toilet. The basic needs of children depend on their age; an infant will require full attention at all times even when sleeping. Entertainment and Comfort Aside from what a baby sitter has a to do, there are things a babysitter should do. Many children are uneasy about seeing their parents leave, as such a baby sitter needs to comfort them by reassuring the child that their parents will return soon and in the meantime you are going to have a lot of fun together. Children love it when adults play with them; ask to see their favorite toy, or watch their favorite movie, read them a book, play outside if there is a yard, or if the parents permit it, drive to a park or bakery for the afternoon. Baby sitting is made all the more easy when the children like and enjoy the company of their baby sitter. Really good baby sitters can become almost part of the family in some cases. Salary Rates The wages for a baby sitter vary drastically depending on the circumstances. The average baby-sitting rate in the United States is between $8 and $10 per hour. Though the average seems low, it is higher than the minimum wage in many states. There are, however, variables. Some inexperienced sitters may earn as low as $5 per hour, or on the extreme opposite experienced sitters in wealthy neighborhoods can earn between $15 and $18 per hour. Usually babysitters can set their own rate depending on the situation; infants should generally add $1 to $2 more to your standard rate, and each additional child added should add $1 as well. If you provide yourself with your own transportation then consider adding between 50 cents and $1 to your salary. Babysitting Older Children Babysitting older children generally takes less work than taking care of toddlers or infants. Whereas babies need constant nurture and attention, older children can tend for themselves in a lot of areas. However, there still remains a fair share of work to be done when babysitting older children. Depending on the circumstance, you may be responsible for tasks like driving them to sports practices, helping them with homework, cooking them meals, and making sure their lights are out at bedtime. Often your babysitting responsibilities will be based on everything from your age to the specific needs of the children. Before beginning to babysit for older children, be sure to inquire as to exactly what the parents expect your responsibilities to be. It can also be helpful to obtain a babysitting checklist from the parents that will guide you with helpful instructions and reminders. Balancing Babysitter Responsibilities Taking care of children is rarely an easy task, and handling your responsibilities as a babysitter can sometimes be difficult. For example, if you are babysitting three or more children, or if one or more has special needs, the job can seem overwhelming. That is why it is important to properly balance your babysitting responsibilities so you do not exhaust yourself completely by the end of the evening. Babysitting is work, but it should also be enjoyable. Heres what you can do to keep your babysitter duties balanced: Ask the parents to explain their expectations for your babysitting services and derive a clear picture of your specific responsibilities for each child. Obtain a babysitting checklist from the parents, which will help you keep track of important information and requirements for each child. If you feel like too much responsibility is being put on you, speak up and tell the parents in a polite manner. Some parents do not realize what a handful their children can be, let alone all the tasks they want you to perform for them or around the house. Letting them know that you are being overwhelmed will cause them to realize they need to give their children more responsibilities of their own or, in some cases, to hire an additional babysitter to help you out. How to Use a Babysitting Checklist Babysitting checklists are given to child care providers by parents to give specific instructions, and contact information in case of emergencies.These checklists are important to obtain and utilize as a babysitter because they will detail how your responsibilities should be carried out. That way, if an issue arises, you will have the information that you need to deal with it. Some items that should be included include where the parents can be reached, the number of someone to call if you cannot get in contact with the parents, the childs doctor and insurance information, and a signed emergency treatment release for the child. With this information, you will be prepared for anything that might happen while you are babysitting. Once you are given a babysitting checklist, be sure to keep it with you in a pocket or purse at all times. Read its contents thoroughly before the parents leave, and scan through it several times during the day or evening so that you ensure all of your responsibilities are done properly. Managing Babysitter Responsibilities Managing babysitter responsibilities is one of the most important tasks involved in child care. When you agree to provide babysitting for someones children, it is imperative that you understand what your responsibilities are and how you should carry them out. Babysitter responsibilities can vary from job to job. Just as children differ, so will the ways in which they need to be taken care of. In order to have a solid understanding of the responsibilities a parent will want you to uphold, you should first discuss exactly what will be involved in babysitting for them. If they are not upfront with explaining the specific responsibilities for the job, be sure to inquire about them. Some babysitting jobs will simply necessitate watching and playing with the children. Others will include more extensive responsibilities like driving, cooking, changing diapers, cleaning and doing light housework. It is also helpful to obtain a babysitter checklist from the parents. This checklist will contain, among other things, information that will direct your specific responsibilities, such as how much TV the children are allowed to watch, how to discipline them, and what they can or cannot eat. These instructions will help you understand how to carry out each of your responsibilities so you are not left guessing on your own. With clearly defined expectations and a babysitter checklist from the parents, you will be on your way to managing babysitter responsibilities like an expert. Responsibilities for Babysitting Young Children Babysitting young children brings its own set of unique responsibilities. While older children can tend for themselves in a lot of areas, infants and toddlers require constant nurture and attention. Babies must be fed often and, as a result, their diapers must be changed on a frequent basis. Infants tend to spit up and toddlers make messes wherever they go, so you can expect to spend a significant amount of time cleaning up after them. Infants will also need to be held and comforted often. Young children require naps at certain times, usually specified by the parents, and it is important to make sure they get the rest they need. Most young children cry a lot and it is important to know how to handle such situations when they arise. In order to be fully prepared for babysitting young children, take a class on the subject and speak with parents who have experience. Also, be sure to ask the parents of babies you are considering taking care of what responsibilities they would expect you to have. Responsibilities of a Babysitter Babysitter responsibilities vary widely from job to job depending on the age of the children, their specific needs and the particular requirements set by the parents. For younger children, responsibilities may include diaper changes, feeding, and holding; on the other hand, babysitting older children may involve driving them to soccer practice or helping them with their homework. While some children are nearly self-sufficient, all will have certain needs. This could include anything from fixing them a snack to helping them with a physical disability. Circumstances that may surround the job, such as the parents going away on business or the children wanting to take a trip to the museum, may require you to take on heavier responsibilities such as staying overnight or driving. Specific expectations of the parents will also determine what you will have to do as a babysitter. For example, some parents want their children in bed at a certain time. In this case, you need to make sure that they change into pajamas and brush their teeth before that time comes. The best way to determine the responsibilities you will have as a babysitter is ask parents directly. Nanny Vs. Baby-sitting In-home child care from a professional nanny or an individual doing simple baby-sitting duties offers a parent greater flexibility and control with schedules, compared with day care. Though it may be more costly than day care, a nanny or baby sitter may be the best way to care for children. Ages of the children, the hours needed for care and additional expectations determine if a parent needs just a baby-sitter or a professional nanny. Parent Expectations A baby sitter is usually called when the need arises, or she may have regularly scheduled hours to care for children. Typically, the job of a baby sitter is to ensure the safety and comfort of a child while the parents are away for a few hours. A nanny usually is more involved with children for a major part of the day on a regular basis. The Nanny Network website says the responsibility of a nanny is to partner with the parents to help raise their charges to be responsible, competent young men and women. Experience A baby sitter may be a responsible teen or a trusted adult living in the neighborhood. Teenagers and adults who are serious about working as baby sitters receive training and certification from the American Red Cross. Professional nannies have experience thats backed up with written references, whether theyre working independently or for an agency. Household Duties Household duties are negotiated with either a baby sitter or nanny for additional pay. In either situation, care of the children is considered a priority over chores. Younger children require greater levels of care than school-age children, so expectations about extra duties like laundry and kitchen cleanup must be reasonable. Child Education Both the baby sitter and the nanny can be expected to read and play with children or help school-age children with homework. A nanny will take a greater interest in teaching children and may serve as a tutor. Since the goal of the nanny is to raise children to become responsible adults, she will also educate children in manners, etiquette and how to care for themselves. Child Discipline Merriam-Webster offers three definitions for discipline: instruction, self-control and punishment. A nanny is involved in all three areas of discipline for the training of children, which may include corporal punishment at the parents discretion. Typically, a baby sitter is less involved in the childs life and merely informs the parents about the childs behavior. Rate of Pay As of July 2010, the hourly rates for baby sitting average $8 to $12 an hour, but can be as little as $4 or more than $18 an hour, according to the Babysitting-Rates website. A number of factors affect the costs of hiring child care providers. Some of the variables are the number of children, the experience of the provider and expected household duties. In the Los Angeles area, Mirtas Domestic Agency reports salaries from $250 to $500 for a five-day week for live-in nannies working up to 60 hours, or live-out positions for up to 40 hours per week. Nannies usually receive one-week paid vacation after a year, plus six paid holidays, Mirtas says. How to Describe Baby-sitting Responsibilities Although all baby sitters share basic responsibilities, such as caring for children, providing entertaining activities and attending to the needs of the children, different parents and families may have their own expectations of their baby sitters. Help your baby sitter understand what your expectations are and what her responsibilities will be when watching your children by clearly describing her duties. By clearly defining the baby sitters role for the person you hire, you will help both yourself, your children and your baby sitter have the best experience possible. Instructions 1 Schedule a meet and greet with your baby sitter before her first day caring for your children. After giving the baby sitter time to introduce herself to your children, communicate with her about her role as a baby sitter. Discuss simple things such as rate of pay, bedtime routines and television policies first. 2 Communicate with your baby sitter about tasks that you feel she should complete as a part of her job responsibilities. For example, some parents prefer the baby sitter to make lunches and dinners for the children, while other parents prepare meals before leaving. Let her know whether its OK to take your children for outings to the park, an ice cream shop or on bike rides. 3 Develop a baby-sitting checklist that your baby sitter can refer to when you are gone, especially if you have a lot of rules and responsibilities for her to abide by. Remember that getting used to another familys routine may be overwhelming at first, so developing a checklist for your baby sitter of tasks to accomplish while youre gone can be a huge help. 4 Remind your children about the rules of the house and ask them to remind your baby sitter if any of the rules are broken. For example, make sure that your children understand that they are not to watch television while the baby sitter is over if that is your rule. Ask them to remind her if she turns on the television out of habit. How to Find a Babysitter Job Babysitting is a great first job for teenagers. Babysitting is a flexible job that can fit around any schedule involving school work, extracurricular activities, and weekends. Through babysitting, you can learn patience, how to be a responsible role model, and how to handle money. To find a job, show parents of young children that you have the skills and commitment needed to babysit Instructions 1 Create a resume. Include any babysitting experience you have had as well as the hours you are available. Ask parents if you can use them as references, and ask them for letters of recommendation that indicate your strengths as a babysitter. 2 Ask for referrals. Call family and friends for referrals of parents who are in need of a babysitter, or use a local referral program. Many states have free babysitter referral programs that screen families and teens to find the best fit. Call your local chamber of commerce to find a referral program in your area. 3 Take a CPR course. The American Red Cross provides training classes for all ages. Ask adults in your class if they need a babysitter or if they have any referrals, and hand out your resume. Parents are more likely to hire you when they know you are certified in CPR. 4 Post fliers around your community in grocery stores, churches, businesses and day care centers. Cut seven to 10 strips on the bottom of your fliers that parents can easy tear off and take with them. On each strip write your name, telephone number, and that youre a babysitter. Get the managers approval before hanging up any fliers in a business. 5 Use the Internet. Advertise your babysitting services on your blogs and community pages to tell your friends and their friends you are looking for a job.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Walt Whitman as a Voice for the People Essay examples -- Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman as a Voice for the People "The proof of a poet is that his country absorbs him as much as he absorbs his country." This brilliant quote from Walt Whitman thus ends his preface to Leaves of Grass, and thereafter begins the poem "Song of Myself." To many, upon their first reading, this was a crude, shocking and distasteful piece of work. but to me...this was a celebration of life. And not just a celebration of his own life, but of every life, of the American life. Walt Whitman is the "voice of the people" and this I believe because, while he did write of things that were not seen as aesthetically beautiful by many...including homosexuality, loneliness, and death. And while these topics were not picturesque to many people, they are life. Real life. And this is what I, as a reader, loves the most about "Song of Myself". His voices is a fresher wind from those that came before him. Whitman offered an entirely new style that could make even similar subject matter seem incredibly different, and embody entirely opposite emotions. America was finally allowed to step out into the windà and learn how refreshing truth can be. Walt Whitman was the voice of every American. First of all, I love the awareness that Whitman has of his own life, and of everyone elseàs life. He hides nothing of himself from the reader, and offers himself truthfully, saying: "Welcome is every organ and attribute of me, and of any man hearty and clean, Not an inch nore a particle of an inch is vile, and none shall be less familiar than the rest" (section 3, lines 49-51) We are able to see that this poet has such a love of life, acceptance of order, and honesty to offer. In turn he allows the ... ...e. Nothing is insignificant when seen through Whitmanàs eyes. Also, in this subject, we really see his Pantheist view coming out loud and clear when we writes: "I hear and behold God in every object, yet I understand God not in the least, Nor do I understand who there can be more wonderful than myself." (lines 1274-5) I found Walt Whitman to be an incredible poet, and I loved his writing style. He had the ability to make everything significant, and natural. He had a way of letting everything fall into itàs own place, without casting a certain order. I will conclude by leaving you with Whitmanàs own words, in the hopes that they will inspire you as much as they have me: "Long enough have you dreamed contemptible dreams, Now I wash the gum from your eyes, You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of every moment of your life."
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Margaret (peggy) Timberlake Eaton Essays -- essays research papers
Margaret (Peggy) O’Neal (who preffered to be called Margaret) was born in 1799 in Washington DC. She was the daughter of William O’Neal, who owned a thriving boarding house and tavern called the Franklin House in that same town. It was frequented by senators, congressmen, and all politicians. She was the oldest of six children, growing up in the midst of our nation’s emerging political scene. She was always a favorite of the visitors to the Franklin House. She was sent to one of the best schools in Washington DC, where she studied English and French grammar, needlework and music. She also had quite a talent for dance, and was sent to private lessons, becoming a very good dancer. At the age of twelve, she danced for the First Lady Dolley Madison. Visitors of the Franklin House also commented on her piano playing skills. During Margaret’s teenage years, there were many rumors circulating about her romances. The stories included one of a suitor who swallowed poison after she refused to return his affections, one of her being briefly linked to the son of President Jefferson’s treasury secretary, and one of her botched elopement to a young aide of General Winfield Scott. As the story goes, she accidentally kicked over a flowerpot during her climb down from a bedroom window, which woke her father, who promptly dragged her back inside. When Jackson first met Margaret at the age of 24, he took an immediate liking to her. The tavern had been recommended to him by his close friend John Henry Eaton, who would later marry Miss O’Neal and cause quite a scandal. Jackson’s wife, when meeting Margaret a year later, was equally taken with her. Margaret married a navy purser named John Bowie Timberlake. They had three children together, one whom died while still an infant. When John was gone at sea, John Eaton entered the picture again, escorting Margaret on drives and to parties. The rumors flew around town of Margaret and Eaton’s supposed affair, and of her husband’s drunkenness. The people around town were all saying that the reason Timberlake kept sailing was to avoid his wife’s obvious philandering. Timberlake was soon reassigned to the Mediterranean squadron. The Mediterranean was very hot and contained few friendly ports in those days, making it a less than pleasant assignment. Timberlake died while in the Mediterranean, the official cause was pulmonary disease. ... .... It was common protocol that if two members of the cabinet resigned, the rest would do so out of courtesy in order to allow the president to reorganize his cabinet. With some resistance, all of the cabinet members resigned, allowing Jackson to rename the members and hopefully end the affair once and for all. The newspapers attributed the cabinet’s fall the Margaret Eaton, and everyone thought that Jackson had doomed any hope for reelection. Jackson was reelected, with Van Buren as a running mate. He quickly sent Eaton to the Florida territory, where he became governor. Two years later, Jackson appointed Eaton as the United States minister to Spain. Margaret and John thoroughly enjoyed their lives in Spain for a period of four years. John Eaton died in 1856, leaving Margaret a small fortune. She lived in Washington DC with her two daughters, both of whom married into high society. It seemed as though Margaret finally had the societal life and respect she had always wanted. She changed all of that when, at the age of 59, she married her granddaughter’s 19 year old dance tutor, Antonio Buchignani. A mere five years later, he ran off to Italy with her money and her granddaughter.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Brand Loyalty
Brand Loyalty One of the most desirable traits that marketers would like to see in the consumers they are positioning their product towards is loyalty to their brand. Brand loyalty can be defined as â€Å"the extent of the faithfulness of consumers to a particular brand, expressed through their repeat purchases, irrespective of the marketing pressure generated by the competing brands. (Business Dictionary, 2012) An expression of brand loyalty from consumers can help companies to experience significant growth not only through repeat purchases, but also word-of-mouth: brand-loyal consumers who talk among their peers about their purchasing behaviour may talk positively about the brand they like, which allows these consumers to try these recommended brands – which they might not have tried otherwise – thus expanding a business’ market and increasing its profits.Since brand loyalty can play a significant role in a business’ performance, it is important that ma rketers understand the different factors that lead to consumers showing brand loyalty. One of the main contributing factors to brand loyalty is satisfaction. According to Ha, Janda and Park’s (2009), satisfaction can be achieved through a â€Å"rich employee-related customer orientation†. In addition, the perceived quality of the product on offer was found to have a positive effect on South Korean consumers’ satisfaction and brand loyalty.The need for a high level of customer orientation is further discussed and confirmed by Lee, Knight and Kim (2008), who commented that a consumer-oriented approach was crucial in market strategies to appeal to Korean consumers. In addition, the authors gave the example of Wal-Mart’s entry into the Korean market to demonstrate the need for foreign companies to adapt their strategies in order to successfully appeal and cater to Korean consumers. Yoon and Kim (2000) provide two more contributing factors to building brand lo yalty among consumers.Going on the fact that repurchasing is a part of the definition of brand loyalty, the authors suggest that a firm needs to either improve the overall impression that its firm or brand gives its consumers; otherwise, the firm must provide an incentive for repurchasing (e. g. coupons or special offers and discounts) – both of these factors, when implemented together, will provide the best chances of increasing consumers’ loyalty towards the firm or brand.The authors go on to discuss one of the important findings of their research which shows why consumers choose not to be loyal to a brand and thus switch to another. They argue that firms need to minimise or remove the factors they found that lead to what is described as â€Å"negative expectation disconfirmation†, which are listed here: avoid raising consumers’ expectations beyond the level at which the firm can consistently deliver; focus on what the customer wants and expects rather than the firm’s production constraints; respect price sensitivity, as some people feel their loyalty is exploited as prices increase.If a firm were to implement these changes in order to seek an attitude of customer orientation and improve their corporate image, how would they go about it? One of the ways this is being done nowadays more than ever is through the use of social media. Kabani (2012), CEO of The Marketing Zen Group, posted an article with the following tips for making loyal customers through the creation of social media content: interact; be helpful; make your fans the stars; offer perks; be transparent.Taking the example of the whiskey brand, Johnnie Walker, it can be seen how these tips work for an established brand to retain customers and make them loyal to the brand. Johnnie Walker, a brand which boasts international success based on a long history of creating quality whiskey blends (John Walker & Sons, 2012), has set up Johnnie Walker Facebook pages for all the major markets it caters to. Looking at the Johnnie Walker Singapore Facebook page, it can be seen that all the tips recommended by Kabani are implemented in some way.The page administrators create posts every one or two days for people who have â€Å"liked†the page to look at, share with friends and comment on. These posts are not just about Johnnie Walker whiskey products, but also sporting events (Johnnie Walker is a sponsor of the McLaren-Mercedes team in the Formula 1) and interesting facts relating to distinguished people or events. Helpful posts, such as exclusive recipes for preparing seasonal cocktails with Johnnie Walker products, are shared on this page.Johnnie Walker makes its fans the stars through competitions to win a place at the Circuit Lounge, which is the party held during the Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix, where Johnnie Walker selects people from its list of people who have â€Å"liked†the page, to receive guest passes for the exclusive party. The names of the winners are then posted on the page. At other times, content shared by fans will be shared and re-posted by the page administrators. Besides the exclusive party invitations, Johnnie Walker posts sneak previews of new limited edition product releases or information on upcoming events related to the brand.Finally, whenever fans have questions about products or events and are awaiting responses, the page administrators promptly reply to inform them of the situation (e. g. why a letter has yet to be received). This method of interacting with consumers can be deemed successful for building brand loyalty as so many fans have posted comments about how much they love the brand and enjoy it for the special occasions in their lives (Johnnie Walker Singapore, 2012). Recommendations for Marketing ManagersIn relation to brand loyalty, a firm wishing to enter the South Korean market must keep in mind the necessity of creating a brand image that is consistent with how they wish t o be perceived, the level of service the firm can deliver consistently, and being truly customer-oriented. When South Korean consumers are satisfied with a product provided through customer-oriented service, then these consumers are more likely to show loyalty towards a brand, leading to repeat purchases, which benefits firms through increased market share and profits.Establishing brand loyalty among consumers is feasible through the creation of interesting, informative, helpful and customer-oriented social media content. A successful portrayal of the brand’s values through frequent interaction with consumers is essential to getting consumers not only to learn more about the brand, but sharing this knowledge with their peers, which leads to increased and repeated purchases. This also contributes to an increase in a firm’s market share and profits.The important thing to recognise is that building brand loyalty gives firms a competitive advantage: brand image is somethin g that is unique to each firm, and as such, it can prove to make the difference when a consumer needs to make a purchasing decision between two brands of a similar product. When the brand image of the firm entering the South Korean market shows a strong sense of customer-orientation and consistent delivery of expectations, its chances of succeeding in the market will be higher than those firms who fail to recognise how important customer-orientation is to South Korean consumers.Bibliography Business Dictionary, 2012. What is brand loyalty? Business Dictionary, published 2012, < http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/brand-loyalty. html> Ha, H. Y. , Janda, S. , Park, S. K. , 2009. Role of satisfaction in an integrative model of brand loyalty: Evidence from China and South Korea, International Marketing Review, Vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 198-220 John Walker & Sons, 2012. Our Labels. Johnnie Walker, published 2012, Johnnie Walker Singapore, 2012. Johnnie Walker Singapore, Facebook, up dated 11 October 2012,Kabani, S. , 2012. How to build brand loyalty through social media, The Business Journals, published 24 August 2012, Lee, M. Y. , Knight, D. , Kim, Y. K. , 2008. Brand analysis of a US global brand in comparison with domestic brands in Mexico, Korea, and Japan, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 163-174 Yoon, S. J. , Kim, J. H. , 2000. An empirical validation of a loyalty model based on expectation disconfirmation, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 120-136 Brand Loyalty Brand Loyalty One of the most desirable traits that marketers would like to see in the consumers they are positioning their product towards is loyalty to their brand. Brand loyalty can be defined as â€Å"the extent of the faithfulness of consumers to a particular brand, expressed through their repeat purchases, irrespective of the marketing pressure generated by the competing brands. (Business Dictionary, 2012) An expression of brand loyalty from consumers can help companies to experience significant growth not only through repeat purchases, but also word-of-mouth: brand-loyal consumers who talk among their peers about their purchasing behaviour may talk positively about the brand they like, which allows these consumers to try these recommended brands – which they might not have tried otherwise – thus expanding a business’ market and increasing its profits.Since brand loyalty can play a significant role in a business’ performance, it is important that ma rketers understand the different factors that lead to consumers showing brand loyalty. One of the main contributing factors to brand loyalty is satisfaction. According to Ha, Janda and Park’s (2009), satisfaction can be achieved through a â€Å"rich employee-related customer orientation†. In addition, the perceived quality of the product on offer was found to have a positive effect on South Korean consumers’ satisfaction and brand loyalty.The need for a high level of customer orientation is further discussed and confirmed by Lee, Knight and Kim (2008), who commented that a consumer-oriented approach was crucial in market strategies to appeal to Korean consumers. In addition, the authors gave the example of Wal-Mart’s entry into the Korean market to demonstrate the need for foreign companies to adapt their strategies in order to successfully appeal and cater to Korean consumers. Yoon and Kim (2000) provide two more contributing factors to building brand lo yalty among consumers.Going on the fact that repurchasing is a part of the definition of brand loyalty, the authors suggest that a firm needs to either improve the overall impression that its firm or brand gives its consumers; otherwise, the firm must provide an incentive for repurchasing (e. g. coupons or special offers and discounts) – both of these factors, when implemented together, will provide the best chances of increasing consumers’ loyalty towards the firm or brand.The authors go on to discuss one of the important findings of their research which shows why consumers choose not to be loyal to a brand and thus switch to another. They argue that firms need to minimise or remove the factors they found that lead to what is described as â€Å"negative expectation disconfirmation†, which are listed here: avoid raising consumers’ expectations beyond the level at which the firm can consistently deliver; focus on what the customer wants and expects rather than the firm’s production constraints; respect price sensitivity, as some people feel their loyalty is exploited as prices increase.If a firm were to implement these changes in order to seek an attitude of customer orientation and improve their corporate image, how would they go about it? One of the ways this is being done nowadays more than ever is through the use of social media. Kabani (2012), CEO of The Marketing Zen Group, posted an article with the following tips for making loyal customers through the creation of social media content: interact; be helpful; make your fans the stars; offer perks; be transparent.Taking the example of the whiskey brand, Johnnie Walker, it can be seen how these tips work for an established brand to retain customers and make them loyal to the brand. Johnnie Walker, a brand which boasts international success based on a long history of creating quality whiskey blends (John Walker & Sons, 2012), has set up Johnnie Walker Facebook pages for all the major markets it caters to. Looking at the Johnnie Walker Singapore Facebook page, it can be seen that all the tips recommended by Kabani are implemented in some way.The page administrators create posts every one or two days for people who have â€Å"liked†the page to look at, share with friends and comment on. These posts are not just about Johnnie Walker whiskey products, but also sporting events (Johnnie Walker is a sponsor of the McLaren-Mercedes team in the Formula 1) and interesting facts relating to distinguished people or events. Helpful posts, such as exclusive recipes for preparing seasonal cocktails with Johnnie Walker products, are shared on this page.Johnnie Walker makes its fans the stars through competitions to win a place at the Circuit Lounge, which is the party held during the Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix, where Johnnie Walker selects people from its list of people who have â€Å"liked†the page, to receive guest passes for the exclusive party. The names of the winners are then posted on the page. At other times, content shared by fans will be shared and re-posted by the page administrators. Besides the exclusive party invitations, Johnnie Walker posts sneak previews of new limited edition product releases or information on upcoming events related to the brand.Finally, whenever fans have questions about products or events and are awaiting responses, the page administrators promptly reply to inform them of the situation (e. g. why a letter has yet to be received). This method of interacting with consumers can be deemed successful for building brand loyalty as so many fans have posted comments about how much they love the brand and enjoy it for the special occasions in their lives (Johnnie Walker Singapore, 2012). Recommendations for Marketing ManagersIn relation to brand loyalty, a firm wishing to enter the South Korean market must keep in mind the necessity of creating a brand image that is consistent with how they wish t o be perceived, the level of service the firm can deliver consistently, and being truly customer-oriented. When South Korean consumers are satisfied with a product provided through customer-oriented service, then these consumers are more likely to show loyalty towards a brand, leading to repeat purchases, which benefits firms through increased market share and profits.Establishing brand loyalty among consumers is feasible through the creation of interesting, informative, helpful and customer-oriented social media content. A successful portrayal of the brand’s values through frequent interaction with consumers is essential to getting consumers not only to learn more about the brand, but sharing this knowledge with their peers, which leads to increased and repeated purchases. This also contributes to an increase in a firm’s market share and profits.The important thing to recognise is that building brand loyalty gives firms a competitive advantage: brand image is somethin g that is unique to each firm, and as such, it can prove to make the difference when a consumer needs to make a purchasing decision between two brands of a similar product. When the brand image of the firm entering the South Korean market shows a strong sense of customer-orientation and consistent delivery of expectations, its chances of succeeding in the market will be higher than those firms who fail to recognise how important customer-orientation is to South Korean consumers.Bibliography Business Dictionary, 2012. What is brand loyalty? Business Dictionary, published 2012, < http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/brand-loyalty. html> Ha, H. Y. , Janda, S. , Park, S. K. , 2009. Role of satisfaction in an integrative model of brand loyalty: Evidence from China and South Korea, International Marketing Review, Vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 198-220 John Walker & Sons, 2012. Our Labels. Johnnie Walker, published 2012, Johnnie Walker Singapore, 2012. Johnnie Walker Singapore, Facebook, up dated 11 October 2012,Kabani, S. , 2012. How to build brand loyalty through social media, The Business Journals, published 24 August 2012, Lee, M. Y. , Knight, D. , Kim, Y. K. , 2008. Brand analysis of a US global brand in comparison with domestic brands in Mexico, Korea, and Japan, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 163-174 Yoon, S. J. , Kim, J. H. , 2000. An empirical validation of a loyalty model based on expectation disconfirmation, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 120-136
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